The Ukraine war and its Consequence

Publish: 5:53 PM, July 23, 2022 | Update: 5:53 PM, July 23, 2022

Nayeem Islam Nibir

Russia reviews the current situation in the world caused by the war in Ukraine, it becomes clear that the war is being waged mainly between rival superpowers. The only battlefield is Ukraine. The attacker here is Russia, a large and powerful country that has emerged from the fall. On the other hand, President Zelensky of Ukraine, loyal to the United States. The main victims are ordinary people of the country. Those who are constantly giving their lives and being evicted. City after city is turning into ruins. America has its European allies in NATO. And Russia has another new superpower, China and a few other countries.
Here, as the sole superpower, the United States has a plan to maintain its geopolitical dominance, the inevitable consequence of which is proxy war in Ukraine. This is nothing new to America. America is determined to strike in any form anywhere in the world for its own interests, inspired by the Monroe Doctrine. Although the main target of the Monroe Doctrine was Latin America. Later, America began to apply that policy to the whole world. The foreign policy announced by the fifth president of the United States, James Monroe, on December 2, 1823, was aimed at preventing any European intervention in Latin America. Attempts to establish colonies or any other form of interference are declared illegal by the United States and US jurisdiction to take any action is reserved.
Later, the 26th US President Roosevelt took the Monroe Doctrine one step further and declared that if the US administration felt that a country in Latin America was being misled, the US would have the right to rule that country. Later America made that principle applicable to the whole world. In 1855, an American explorer named William Walker took over Nicaragua with his army and became president. Not only that, the US occupied almost five hundred thousand square kilometers of Mexico and later bought it for a nominal price. The basic plans of this policy were to incite public opinion against such a hostile government, overthrow or impeach it by defeating a vote of no confidence, stage a military coup by loyalists, and finally direct US military intervention if necessary. This policy is now in effect for the entire world.
It is clear from this that, since China and Russia have become obstacles to US interests in the current situation; So it is part of US policy to crack down on them and their allies, as we have seen happening in Sri Lanka and Pakistan most recently. So to weaken China and Russia in military and economic terms So that they can no longer challenge America. This is the main goal of the current US war in Ukraine. Apart from this, the aim is to send the message to the European NATO countries that their (Europe) separate security thinking is irrelevant, which they have been thinking for a long time. The Ukraine war has put Europe on hold. Countries like Finland and Sweden have applied to join NATO.
But every war has its repercussions. There is no doubt that the consequences of this war will be far-reaching. If the war is prolonged, there will be a global food crisis. The price of fuel oil will go beyond the reach of people. It will be difficult for countries’ governments to curb inflation. In this situation, the value of the local currency against the dollar will continue to decrease. As a result, social unrest will increase in the country; Which will shake the foundations of governments.
In this background, a new world order can also emerge. Evidence of which is already available. And the main goal of this new world order is to build a multilateral world, which will destroy the one-sided unstoppable US monopoly. Russia and China have played a key role in this regard. Both these countries started world trade with the Russian ruble and the Chinese currency “Yuan” as an alternative to the dollar initially with the aim of breaking the monopoly of the US dollar. It was running in limited form for a long time. The effectiveness of the dollar alternative system became important when Russia forced European countries to pay in rubles to prevent the collapse of its ruble and keep its economy afloat after the outbreak of the Ukraine war. Libya first took this measure to prevent the monopoly of the dollar.
But for this, Gaddafi had to suffer a tragic end with his life. But Russia is not Libya. One of the world’s superpowers. Apart from that, the country produces one-third of the world’s food grains and oil and gas. Many countries of the world including Europe are dependent on Russian wheat and oil and gas. If Russia does not accept anything other than the ruble, including food grains and oil and gas; If that happens, many countries in the world, including many European countries, will be forced to buy rubles, which will upset the monopoly of the dollar. In the meantime, Hungary, Italy and Germany are buying Russian oil and gas in rubles in defiance of the US ban. So it is no longer dependent on winning or losing the war in Ukraine; Rather, we are moving towards a new world order.
On the other hand, the Ukraine war has turned into a ‘do or die’ war for Russia. And it seems that the victory of Russia cannot be prevented in the end. Because America and European NATO countries will not join the war against Russia directly on the side of Ukraine. Another point to note is that, at the beginning of the war, it seemed that the West wanted to defeat Russia miserably in a protracted war in Ukraine. But as time goes on, it seems that if the war is prolonged, disaster will descend upon the world; Which could cause serious damage to western interests.
The masterminds behind this war will suffer the most. Because after the defeat of the long Afghan war, the American people will not accept any disaster in the Ukraine war. And if that happens, the Democratic party led by Biden will definitely lose in the US midterm elections held in November, for which Biden will have to bear the responsibility. Although Joe Biden provoked the war in Ukraine with a multi-pronged plan, the main goal of which is to maintain America’s sole hegemony in the world; What the American people love. But we can see how dangerous it can be in the writings of the world’s leading American intellectual Noam Chomsky about America’s war in Iraq.
Chomsky wrote in his book “Interventions” in an article entitled “Incidents related to the Iraq war”, “The most powerful state in world history declares that it wants to rule the world by force.” Dominion is the highest state of the country. President Bush and his cohorts believe that the power of violence at their disposal is so extraordinary that they can dismiss anyone who gets in their way with disgust.’
Despite all the plans, US troops have already returned to Iraq, leaving the situation in conflict. Departed after a miserable defeat in Afghanistan. Russia’s military presence in Syria poses a new threat to the United States. On the other hand, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia, battered and devastated, has re-emerged as a superpower in the last 30 years. At the same time, China is also trying to establish itself as a superpower and both countries are aligned against the US. Iran has become more defiant than ever. This is a new situation for the US, which is completely different from the situation before the Iraq-Afghan war.
Now America has to think of new plans to maintain its hegemony. Current US plans are visible in bold. America’s defeat in the Afghan war, in particular, has left the US administration and military leaders facing a tough question. That is, concerns about the decline of US hegemony. But China is the main target of Washington’s recent plans to allay those concerns, ensure the security of allies and maintain American hegemony. The US administration believes that the biggest threat to its established world order is the People’s Republic of China.
So the US administration has already formed a quad alliance with the US along with Japan, India and Australia to counter China. Again, Britain and Australia have formed three countries. In addition, any government that may or has gone against America is being changed by violent popular uprising or other means; Which we have already seen in Sri Lanka and Pakistan. A democratically elected pro-Russian government in Ukraine was ousted in much the same way. Or earlier, in the name of the Arab Spring, governments were overthrown in several countries including Tunisia, Libya, Egypt. India will play a key role in the Quad and Aucus military alliance that the US has formed to counter China in South Asia. America sees India as an effective catalyst to advance its ‘China Contain’ policy.
But a war is urgently needed to wash away the gloom of defeat in Afghanistan, to upset the enemy and bring world conscience to America’s side. And that battlefield is Ukraine. That is why the western world and third world elite class erupted in hatred against Russia immediately after the start of Russian military operations in Ukraine. On the other hand, the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America that have been exploited, and oppressed by the Western colonial rule for many years are supporting Russia.
The US administration wants a victory in Ukraine that will not only wash away the Afghan defeat, but also woo the US public and help it win big in the midterm elections.
To cripple Russia’s military power in the Ukraine war so that it can never again challenge the United States. And if this happens, China-Russia military alliance will also weaken. Geo-political analysts believe that Pakistan’s change of government is not only related to the Ukraine issue, but also to America’s ‘China Contain’ policy in South Asia, the Indo-Pacific issue, Afghanistan, Iran, and Central Asia. Neutralizing Pakistan allows India to be aggressive against China. On the other hand, using Pakistan’s soil to try to expand US influence in Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asia, which will keep him in the seat of the former monopolist?

Nayeem Islam Nibir is a young generation political leader and columnist in Bangladesh.
He can be reached : [email protected]