Cricket fan fails to stump Lord’s security with fake ID

Publish: 7:26 PM, March 12, 2020 | Update: 7:26 PM, March 12, 2020

LONDON, – It is one of the most sought-after and exclusive places to watch sport in the whole world — the member’s pavilion at the prestigious Lord’s Cricket Ground.

But a businessman who used a dead man’s prized membership card to get into the famous London sporting venue, which is more than 200 years old, was on Wednesday fined o10,000 for his deception.

James Lattimer avoided jail but judge Michael Grieve told him his actions were “despicable”.

Southwark Crown Court in south London was told the 51-year-old put his photograph onto a card he had bought on eBay which belonged to a member who died in 2014.

He then bought a general ticket to enter the ground but carried the card to get into the exclusive pavilion, while also wearing the stripy red and gold “egg-and-bacon” tie favoured by members.

Lattimer though was stopped by security. He later pleaded guilty to fraud in November.

The court heard that Lord’s membership is “very sought-after”. It costs o1,000 (1,140 euros, $1,285) to become a member, with an additional o600 annual fee.

There is also a 29-year waiting list for membership with 12,000 people on it, the court heard.

Sentencing, judge Grieve said: “The use of a deceased person’s identity for any purpose is despicable and likely to cause great distress to (their) relatives.”

He added: “The forged document was your passport to a prestigious world and the best seats in the ground.

“What you gained was very sought after.

“You acquired the privilege people wait half a lifetime to acquire.”

Lattimer, from Bournemouth in southern England, stood in the dock and did not react as he was handed a 10-month sentence, suspended for 18 months.

He was told he must also pay a o10,000 fine as well as prosecution costs of o425, and carry out 150 hours of unpaid work.

The judge acknowledged Lattimer, who runs a corporate cleaning company, had been “very publicly disgraced” over the offence.

Jonas Milner, representing Lattimer, argued his client’s fraud had been “an unattractive and naive ploy by a cricket fan who let his desperation to experience the pavilion get the better of him”.