PM’s 10 initiatives are pro-development, pro-equity: Inu

Publish: 2:07 PM, June 28, 2018 | Update: 2:07 PM, June 28, 2018

DHAKA – Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu, MP, today said that the aim of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s 10 initiatives was to attain political and social peace. He said that prosperity for the country was important and so was social equity.

The minister was speaking as chief guest at a workshop organized to exchange views with media persons and conscious members of civil society. He said that after August 15, the military rulers had not only done away
with the constitution but also its reigning philosophies.

“They had implanted an extreme form of laissez-faire,” he said, “Which made the rich richer and the poor poorer.” Constitutional rule had been restored again and so had much of its philosophy.

“Electricity had been extended to 80 percent of villages and it had spurred many economic activities,” he said. “The rest of the villages would be connected soon, “he added.

Referring to the “digital divide” he said, “We’re making sure that digital technology was not restricted to the privileged few.” “A total of 22,000 Russell digital labs had been established in rural schools and more were on the way. This had ensured that laptops and PCs do not remain confined to urban areas alone, “he said.

The minister also cited the community hospitals and the investment in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as indicators of Sheikh Hasina’s pro-poor and anti-poverty policies.

He said had it not been for the disruptive activities of the opposition there would have been greater development.