১৯শে সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ
রাত ১০:০০
প্রকাশিত : সেপ্টেম্বর ১৭, ২০২৪
আপডেট: সেপ্টেম্বর ১৭, ২০২৪
প্রকাশিত : সেপ্টেম্বর ১৭, ২০২৪

Prophet's teachings can make a discrimination-free society

On September 16, marking the 12th of Rabi' al-Awwal, a grand procession and rally were held in the capital to celebrate the holy Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH), organized by the Anjuman-e-Rahmania Mainia Maizbhandari. The procession began from the Engineers Institution premises and passed through various important streets of the city. The colorful event was led by the president of Anjuman and chairman of the Bangladesh Supreme Party (BSP), Shah Sufi Maulana Syed Saifuddin Ahmad Al-Hasani, and saw the participation of a large number of people.

In his speech before the procession, Syed Saifuddin Ahmad Al-Hasani highlighted the message of peace, equality, and humanity brought by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He stated that the essence of Islam is rooted in compassion and human values. He issued a stern warning against extremism and condemned the desecration of Sufi shrines, urging those involved in such acts to refrain from their actions.

He further added that Islam does not permit forcing religion upon others and promotes respect for all faiths. He emphasized respecting the religious freedom of others is a core teaching of Islam.

"We believe that Islam was established through tolerance. Sufi culture and shrines are symbols of Islam's glory and dignity. Therefore, those who are looting, vandalizing, and setting fire to the shrines of saints, khanqahs, and dargahs, stop these heinous acts. Do not force the Sunni Sufi followers to take to the streets. We demand the interim government to ensure that extremists cannot attack even a single shrine in the country. The shrines and khanqahs that have been destroyed must be rebuilt, and compensation must be provided. Those involved in these injustices must be identified and brought to justice,"he said.

Several special guests including Professor Dr Anisujjaman, vice-chancellor of Global University of Bangladesh, Dr. Ataur Rahman Miaji, Shahjada Sayed Mashuk Mainuddin Al Hasani, executive president of Mainia Youth Forum were present at the programme.

Published by Chairman-Editorial Board Professor Dr. Jobaer Alam
Editor in Charge: Tapash Ray Sarker
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