Padma Bridge: The passion of a nation is going to inaugurated

Publish: 7:30 PM, June 25, 2022 | Update: 7:30 PM, June 25, 2022

The people of the country will rejoice on the day of inauguration of Padma Bridge in the same way that the people of the country rejoiced and rejoiced after the independence of the country. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has proved that the Bengali Nation cannot and will not bow down to anyone. By building the Padma Bridge with own money, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has proved that no conspiracy could stop the work of the Padma Bridge. In 1971, under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the country became independent and Bangladesh won. Similarly, the inauguration of the Padma Bridge on June 25 will be another victory. This day will be the day of another victory of the Bengali nation. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, members of the cabinet, prominent politicians, foreign diplomats stationed in Bangladesh are taking impeccable security measures during the inauguration and stay of the Padma bridge. Besides, strict security measures are being taken at various venues and surrounding areas at the Mawa and Jajira ends of the Padma Bridge. Regarding the Padma Bridge, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, “Canadian courts have clearly stated that there was no corruption. After this, there is no more talk. But then I will not build the Padma Bridge with the money of those who have defamed us – that was my decision. By the grace of Allah, I have built the Padma Bridge with the money of the whole of Bangladesh. All law enforcement agencies are working through coordination to ensure security.” Besides, there will be members of other forces including naval police in naval security. Two banks of Padma Bridge are being arranged on the occasion of inauguration. Preparations for the festival are underway in the districts. However, Bangabandhu Bridge and Muktarpur Bridge are not left out of the festivities. These two bridges are being constructed on the occasion of inauguration of Padma Bridge. There are two more bridges in the country under this division – Bangabandhu Bridge and Muktarpur Bridge. The Bangabandhu Bridge is the second largest bridge in the country after the Padma bridge. And Muktarpur Bridge is the fifth largest bridge in the country. It has connected Munshiganj with Narayanganj. Curious people will be able to go to Mawa in an alternative way with this bridge during the inauguration ceremony. Various roads and structures including Hatirjheel are also being arranged on the occasion of inauguration of Padma Bridge. There is also a laser writing show and fireworks display in Hatirjheel. There will also be cultural events. Before this, discussions are going on about the cost of construction of Padma Bridge and its various engineering information. This discussion has also come up in the cup of tea. The Padma Bridge is built by bending only for the sake of beauty. But that’s not the case. In the United States, China, or even Japan, long highways have been built in this way. This is mainly done with the drivers in mind. If the bridge is straight, the drivers get on the bridge and suffer from bored. Many people feel drowsy because of holding the steering wheel in the same way. This increases the risk of accidents. But if you bend a little, the drivers have to be careful about it. Through this their heads are 100% active. Major accidents can be avoided. Not just to keep the driver’s attention; the engineers also kept in mind that the headlights of the vehicles coming from the opposite direction should not fall directly on the eyes of the driver. If the bridge is curved, the light will not catch the eye. This will also reduce the risk of accidents. It is reasonable to bend any big bridge, not just the Padma Bridge, Vehicle weight, the pressure or weight of a river or natural disaster. Vibration pressure is created when a car climbs on a bridge. When curved, it spreads across the bridge, resulting in less pressure. If straight, it does not spread over the whole bridge. Extensive tremors and pressures occur in certain places. As a result, there is a risk of the bridge collapsing. When the bridge is made by bending it, the loads of vehicles are properly applied on each pillar. In addition, during the flow of the river, there is a lot of pressure on the pillars, but when it is bent, the pressure is less. The ground has equal pressure all over the place, so bending can hold all the pillar structures during an earthquake. Due to these reasons, big bridges like Padma Bridge have been constructed by bending. There is no such thing as beauty. Such intelligence is to keep the bridge lasting for a long time. Even if the cost increases, everyone has no objection, because everyone is aware of security. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has proved that, She has challenged it and decided that we, the people of Bangladesh, have won the war of liberation by responding to the call of the Father of the Nation, so it will not build the Padma Bridge with the money of those who have slandered us – that was her decision. By the grace of Allah, we have built the Padma Bridge with the money of Bangladesh. It is our duty to maintain and maintain this Padma Bridge, to ensure the safety of those who will use it. Therefore, we have two police stations for protecting the Padma Bridge and providing passenger services to the people in the vicinity. There were various comments, rumors like beheading. After overcoming all the rumors and challenges, a 6.15 km long bridge was built over the Padma. The capital is connected with the south.After many ups and downs, the Padma Bridge connects the two districts on both sides. The quality of life of the people around the bridge is also changing. There are big projects including world class Olympic Village, Benaresi Tantapalli, Icon Tower at the initiative of RAJUK, the only National Judicial Academy in the countr. Mawa-Bhanga-Jessore-Khulna rail link will be established from Dhaka. Khulna, Mongla, Barisal, Kuakata Economic Corridor will be established from Dhaka. The southern part of the country will be connected with Trans-Asian Highway (N-6) and Trans-Asian Railway. The establishment of new economic zones and high-tech parks will attract domestic and foreign investment and accelerate the industrialization of the country .According to the 2010 estimates, if the bridge is opened at the current 12,000 vehicles crossing the River Padma daily, the traffic will be doubled and the number of vehicles will increase by 7-8 percent per year and by 2050 it will be 67,000 vehicles per day. However, this number may increase. This is because before the construction of the Jamuna Bangabandhu Bridge, the traffic flow on the bridge was estimated to be higher than it is now.

The Writer is Deputy Registrar,
Jagannath University