The protection of all Nature’s Resources must be Ensured

Publish: 9:38 PM, June 19, 2021 | Update: 9:38 PM, June 19, 2021

Nayeem Islam Nibir
The developed countries of the world are in a dire situation for two consecutive years. Even the most modern and most advanced health management in the world is in such a state today! Talking about a developing country like Bangladesh or an underdeveloped country is nothing but a waste of time. An in-depth analysis of the world’s social and environmental scientists reveals that most of the epidemics and natural disasters that have occurred in the world so far have been directly or indirectly due to reckless attacks on the environment. At the same time, various industries and corporations have a sharp and greedy vision about the environment. They are constantly attacking natural resources such as mineral extraction, construction industry or profiteering and continue to plunder all resources from soil, stone, sand, water for commercial purposes. As a result, disasters, droughts, floods, epidemics, epidemics are increasing every year. Sometimes it is becoming impossible to deal with these natural disasters even with the latest wonderful science and technology.

The local people as well as the entire country have not been left to see how weak the disaster management is with the natural forces. Especially during cyclones, tsunamis or earthquakes like Aila, Amphan, yas etc. Although it can be claimed that the damage has been reduced even a little bit, many times the countries have to face huge losses and horrible situations due to the arrogance of the latest technology. One has to wonder how helpless the latest management is in the face of the horrors of disaster! It has already been seen that all human arrogance is shattered by natural disasters. Man and his technological arrogance fly away like straw in the roar of nature. The so-called innumerable wonderful constructions turned into ruins! It has been explained to us many times that the speechless Bashundhara will not be able to bear the oppression of nature for ages. But even then arrogant people are big fools. Hundreds of thousands of skeletons of their pride are floating in front of them hiding their faces in self-defense or standing helplessly! The novel corona virus has forced many people from all over the world to embrace death helplessly. The people of the world have not learned from these incidents at all. It has been seen in a blink of an eye how many hundreds of mahiruhas have been built. Although there have been countless instances of destruction in different parts of the world over the centuries, people are still living in the imaginary paradise of the ignorant. And their ‘heaven’ idea is also utter nonsense, has it been explained to people at all! It can be said that a large part of the people are still quite attached to that thought! Because the direction of education in the country is different from that of science consciousness.

In the luxurious dream, people have attacked nature as much as Bivore’s irresistible aggression. Nature has also taken its revenge from time to time silently! The silent teacher nature of man. It is as if people have been declaring war on nature rather than accepting that the survival of human beings depends entirely on nature. People are constantly attacking the silent nature. Extracting natural resources indiscriminately. Sometimes the looters are looting the natural resources to make extra profit – they are exploiting the nature. The natural beauty of nature has been damaged by demonic attacks. Sometimes human needs have constantly jumped on the soft body of nature. But even if we say eco-friendly construction, it has been seen that the unplanned work is causing huge damage to the natural structure of nature and environment. It is called ‘sustainable development’ but in reality it is never. Millions of trees are being cut down for the sake of development. The normal green of many years is being destroyed every year. The construction yajna is going on at a relentless pace by breaking the normal structure of the hill. The ground is being filled every day with ponds or wetlands.

Nowadays, it is seen that the big industries are getting relief by illegally filling the reservoirs, opening various developer companies, abusing their power and forcibly occupying land and rivers. Many such allegations are made on the recommendation of the concerned authorities. The issue needs to be considered before going into any kind of attack on nature. The demands of civilization and the food and clothing habitat of a large population are coming down on nature. But you don’t have to see how much damage is done. Indifference to waste management is another attack. From plastics to industries, agricultural factories, toxic waste from urban areas is also being transported to rivers or seas without any hesitation. The last address of almost all waste is sea or ocean. Water is the last refuge of river waste without sewerage system from all parts of villages, towns and cities. As a result, the parashamani water of the fauna is being poisoned. Even though water is two-thirds of the total area of the world, there is a great cry for water today. Again, only two and a half percent of the total water is usable and drinkable. Even that tiny part is being poisoned by the arbitrary oppression of the people. Glaciers are melting in the mountains due to unsustainable land development in the embrace of development. The sea is rushing to devour the land. Increasing flood – tidal wave – swallowing civilization. The relatively lowlands are constantly coming to swallow. Cloud busts are also seen in the mountains at untimely times. Besides, aquatic species are dying due to sea poisoning. One of the reasons is plastics and chemicals. One of the statements of environmental scientists is that man is directly and indirectly responsible for all natural disasters. That is, most of the disasters are said to be man-made.

Water and space have been poisoned by man-made waste. Sollasi attack is going on to make profit. Luxury people have become extremely aggressive and indiscriminately attack the environment. Ruthlessly attacking the asylum seeker of his ancestors. That is why the anxious poet wrote that day – “People are immoral. As long as he was a forest dweller, his exchange with the forest was full. Gradually, when he became a city dweller, he lost his affection for the forest. He ruthlessly attacked the tenderness of his first friend, the hospitality of the gods that first brought him, to build a brick-and-timber dwelling. Blessed was the green forest dweller, who was despised and cursed by the people. As the population grows, so does the pressure on nature.

The nature of the soil is changing as a result of widespread destructive attacks on nature for habitat construction. The number of vehicles is increasing worldwide. The number of vehicles per capita in developed countries is much higher than in this country. Statistics show that twenty percent of the world’s population (they are developed countries again!) Is using eighty percent of the world’s total energy resources. And in poor and underdeveloped countries where eighty percent of the world’s population lives, only twenty percent of the total energy resources are being used!
The worrying fact is that those developed countries are responsible for spreading eighty percent of the world’s pollution! They are spreading eighty percent of greenhouse gases in the world. And the poisonous teeth of those countries are sitting on the backs of the people of the underdeveloped and poor countries. As a result, various complex diseases caused by hunger and malnutrition due to pollution are also increasing in underdeveloped and developing countries. Households account for 29 percent of the world’s total energy consumption. Which is filling the minimum needs of the people. Being used somewhere or in need of maximum luxury. Adding carbon dioxide to the environment in the process of producing this 29 percent energy resource is 21 percent (the amount of total carbon dioxide). So this dangerous issue has also complicated the problem of pollution.

Today, food security for a large population is a big challenge for different countries. Reckless application of organic fertilizers and pesticides is going on in the hope of getting more crops on limited land. Besides, application of banned pesticides is going on. Where agricultural and environmental scientists say they want biotechnology, let’s reduce the application of inorganic fertilizers. The exact opposite is happening there. So increasing soil pollution. Due to the huge pollution caused by the application of excessive amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, today vegetables, rice, wheat are all. You have to wake up when you hear the presence of poison in the mother’s milk! Today, the biodiversity of wetlands is also facing an extreme crisis. At the same time, it is alarming to hear that 1.3 billion tons (130,000 crore kg) of food grains worldwide are waste every year due to wastage and rat infestation due to lack of proper maintenance. At the 1972 United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Environment Program (UNDP) decided that June 5, 1973, would be World Environment Day. The main purpose of the program was to make people in all parts of the world aware of the environment. Every year since then, various environmental awareness programs have been launched on this day all over the world. This year too, like other countries, this day is celebrated with special importance in Bangladesh.

The slogan for this year’s World Environment Day is very relevant – ‘ecosystem restoration’. What I have been trying to say in the long run is to say it again – all the resources of nature must be protected. It is not an attack on nature but the need to ensure protection and let nature be nature itself.

Nayeem Islam Nibir is a young generation political leader and columnist in Bangladesh.