১৮ই অক্টোবর, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ
সকাল ১১:৪০
প্রকাশিত : জুলাই ১৪, ২০২৪

Drives against corruption won't hamper image of govt: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today said she did not think that drives against corruption would hamper the image of her government, reiterating commitment to pursue the "zero tolerance" policy to wipe out corruption from the country.

"I will not spare corrupt people no matter whoever they are or whatever position they have as I started the drives against corruption. I even don't consider who are close or who are not. I must execute the "zero tolerance policy" against the corruption," she said.

She made the pledge while replying to a question about the government's measures against corruption at a press conference arranged to inform the outcome of her recent three-day bilateral visit to China from July 8-10.

The Prime Minister said the people knew about corruption in different sectors as her government has taken tougher stance against corruption.

"No one in the past had conducted drives in such way against corruption," she said.

The Prime Minister said they have earlier pledged to stamp out militancy from the country through pursuing the "zero tolerance policy" against the militancy.

"We have done it successfully. Now, we are taking measures against the corruption and it will continue till wiping out the menace," she said.

She continued: "I don't believe that the image of my government will be damaged due to taking action against corruption."

To this end, she said one of her peons made Tk 400 crore through corruption and she took action against him.

The Prime Minister said her responsibility is to take the country into a dignified position by removing all the irregularities.

The trial of some corruption cases have also been criticized although he committed grafts and misappropriated money of workers, she said without mentioning the name of Dr Muhammad Yunus.

Govt has nothing to do over quota issue:

Sheikh Hasina said the government has nothing to do over the issue of quota in public service until a solution comes from the court.

“The executive has nothing to do right at the moment when the higher court or the court passes a judgment. The issue of the court will have to be solved in the court,” she said.

The Premier came down heavily on the anti-quota protesters, saying that they are waging the movement without knowing the law and the construction and violating the court order.

She said they even have no idea about how a government runs.

“Yes, they are meritorious, but they will have to have ideas about these matters,” she added.

She said the court also has given them (protesters) scopes to raise their arguments in the court, but they want to solve the issue on the streets.

“Since the issue has gone to the court and the court passed a judgment, I’ve no right to stand against the judgment right now and the constitution also doesn’t allow me to do so,” she said.

“We’ve nothing to do here until it is solved in court. It is the reality. They’ll have to accept this reality. Otherwise, we’ve nothing to do and they will continue their movement (without any result),” she said.

She, however, warned the protesters that any destructive activities won’t be tolerated in the name of movement.

“They will not be allowed to do any destructive act. No one says anything as long as they continue their peaceful movement. But if they go for anything else like attacking police and their vehicles or other things, the law will take its own course," she said.

Sheikh Hasina said her government had abolished the quota system in the government jobs following the 2018 movement to see its consequences.

“We abolished the quota system when the movement was waged against it. But what result of this abolishment is found today?” she said.

The result of the abolishment of quota is that only two females in the last BCS examination qualified for foreign service while four females for police cadre, she said, referring to women’s participation in 2018 movement.

About the district-wise quota system in the government jobs, she said some districts are being deprived of abolishment of the quota system.

Not a single person got job in police service from 23 districts in a BCS examination, she noted.

"The marginalized community people also have the right to get jobs," she said.

The Prime Minister criticized the protesters who are insulting the freedom fighters, saying, “Why do they have so much anger against the freedom fighters?”

Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader, Deputy leader of the House Begum Matia Chowdhury, Foreign Minister Dr. Hasan Mahmud, Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, State Minister for Information and Broadcasting Mohammad Ali Arafat and State Minister for Commerce Ahsanul Islam Titu were present on the dais.

AL Presidium Members Engineer Mosharraf Hossain and Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim were also present on dais.

PM's Press Secretary M Nayeemul Islam Khan moderated the press conference.

Stern action against question paper leakage:

Replying to a question, Sheikh Hasina sounded a note of warning against the gang involved in question paper leakage in the government service entry tests.

"We have to take action against those involved in such crimes. Otherwise, it will be continuing," she said.

The culture of question paper leakage had started during the regime of Ziaur Rahman and it worsened further during the period of Khaleda Zia, she said.

At that time, a list was sent from the Hawa Bhaban and the jobs in the public service were provided in accordance with that list, she added.

The Premier said they completely stopped that culture after assuming office in 2009 by removing the people who were linked to the misdeed.

The gang members have somehow managed to get postings in those positions after the 2018 anti-quota movement, she said, adding that they are being captured.

What we get from China visit:

Responding to a question regarding the criticism that Bangladesh got nothing from China visit, the Premier gave a brief description about what Bangladesh got.

She said during her stay in Beijing, she had a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping and a bilateral meeting with her Chinese counterpart Li Qiang at the Great Hall of the People.

Following the delegation level bilateral meeting in the morning on Wednesday, Bangladesh and China signed and renewed some 21 cooperation documents, mostly MoUs, eyeing stronger development and economic cooperation between the two Asian countries, she said.

Bangladesh and China also announced seven outcomes, she added.

In the bilateral meeting with Xi Jinping, the China side agreed to provide equal to 2 billion US dollars to Bangladesh.

Apart from these, they also agreed to build the 9th Bangladesh-China Friendship Bridge, she said.

The Premier questioned: “Are these things nothing?”

If they have responsibilities towards the country and its people, they couldn't overlook such huge things that the Awami League government did for the development for Bangladesh, she said.

They are blind despite having eyes and dumb despite having ears, she said, adding she is habituated to hear such things.

The Premier continued that they are mentally ill and these are the outcome of their illness.

PM prefers India for Teesta project:

Replying to a question, Sheikh Hasina said she prefers India to complete the Teesta project as Bangladesh has problem with India over sharing the water of this river.

"They (India) will give us whatever we need after completion of the Teesta project," she said.

The Premier said both China and India have given proposals for implementing the Teesta Project and they will conduct feasibility studies separately.

"We will go for the proposal which will be suitable for us after seeing their feasibility studies," she continued.

Published by Chairman-Editorial Board Professor Dr. Jobaer Alam
Editor in Charge: Tapash Ray Sarker
Cell: +880 1736 786915
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